Candles are the great untried, and unknown training aid. Perhaps they are not too used because people are unable to do this technique. When I started Candle training, I was told that only 1 in 1000 people have any success with them.
This technique is basically a Self Learning device. My Sensei said it was important for me to learn how to do it. By learning to do it yourself, is the best method really to learn it.
I am able to punch out 10/10 so I guess I am one of those. I remember when I went to a Kyokushin school in the Chicago area. after a few days the Sensei asked me what kind of training I did. I said Candles.
No, you don't. he said to me.
Get a Candle and I will show you.
Sure enough he produced a candle, lit it, and I let it burn for a minute, focused and put it out.
He relit it again and again, and I put it out every time.
His class was very impressed, and I heard lots of murmuring in the background. The problem was he could not put it out. I figured that I did not need his instruction, and never went back.
This is how you do it.
This is the secret. Taught at the beginning of your training. but ignored by the students.
Oyama taught this technique, yet again, few pay attention.
Gi top off. You do not want any flapping of fabric to put the flame out, You want Force and Penetration, to put the flame out.
Extend your left arm toward the flame, then retract it to chamber, and strike with the Right fist, Twisting at the last second. Stopping 4-5 inches or 1 fist width from the flame.
Poof it goes out.
Most people strike and strike and it never goes out.
What is the trick?
The trick is the left arm. Pull your Left elbow back as hard as you can. Relax the Right arm.
This is a simple physics, action/reaction principal. The harder you pull back the harder the other arm flies out. Simple, isn't it? Most people try to power the punch, and the result is No Power.
Next is the Front Kick.
The trick is to snap that kick.
Legs are stronger than arms so you must be able to really snap the kick. Power is useless, SPEED KILLS!
Then the Side kick, Same as the front kick.
Water training is really important. Get into the water, lower yourself so the water is just over your shoulders.
Throw your techniques.
The water offers resistance that prevents you from hurting yourself.
You will then see how important the chambering elbow is. At my advanced age (Nearly 70)
I can still punch and kick in water as fast as in air. The water just cavitates, and turns to bubbles, Punching in bubbles is just like punching in air.
Same with kicks. We put a pool in our back yard just so I could practice my water training. Above ground pools are the best for this, because you can then practice Kata in them.
Now this is another of the difficult ones.
Take a simple sheet of paper and draw an X in the middle with the edges of the lines extending to the edge of the paper.
Hang the paper with a string.
Punch at the paper and tear it.
This will show you how worthless your twist of the fist is. If you do not twist at impact you will not tear the paper.
This one is also interesting, in the hardest part is to find a feather.
Take a feather, and hang it from a thread.
Punch at it, and withdraw the fist.
The goal is to get the Feather to follow the fist back toward you. Not away from you.
Once you get Candles down, then you can do this one.
Light a candle on a stand on the floor so the flame is approx.. 1 foot from the floor.
Kneel in front of the candle, extend your Right (Or Left which ever you want) fist toward the candle.
Shoulders back. Left arm in chamber.
Hold this position, some 4-5 inches short of the flame.
Concentrate on bending the flame away from you without moving your hand.
The first time it happens, you will be shocked.
It can be done, it takes concentration.
You are using your body's energy to bend the flame.
The importance here is that this helps you develop your projected energy.
Once you learn to do it, you will knock your opponent off his feet like a movie, they will just go flying backward.
I do this.
This technique is very useful in defense against any kick, especially if you come across a Korean fighter. Stand in your fighting stance (Which ever one you like) I use Neko Ashe Dache (Cat Stance).Practice spinning on your front foot and stepping forward about 1 meter.
The idea is to Jam the opponent.
Also when you spin, the opponent's blows will bounce off. I have used this for 40 years.
Once you learn this one, no Korean style fighter has a chance against you.
One problem I noticed early on, is that Thinking is slow. If someone throws a technique, What is the best defense? The more in your mind the worse it gets.
So, the technique of mirroring came to me. Later I learned Bruce Lee used the same technique.
It is very simple
If an opponent throws a left at your nose, you throw a right at his nose.
Since you do not have to think, your techniques become reaction and very fast. You will then be inside his movements, and he will not hit you.
Same with kicks.
This has worked for me for over 40 years, and if it worked for BL, it will work for you also.
I got to the point that I would fight with my hands at my side inviting any attack.
This one is so much fun you look for opportunities to use it.
Let us assume that you want to strike your opponent in the nose.
Do the following and you will hit him every time.
- Strike a faint (Fake Punch) at the opponent's nose.
- Quickly retract the blow, and kick him in the shin.
- Then you punch him in the nose.
What happens, is that as you throw the first punch his brain focuses on that first punch.
When you the shin, his concentration, now goes to the pain in his shin.
Unless you are dealing with someone pretty special, his mind will not switch gears fast enough to stop you from striking his nose. The mind can make a quick change, but not 3 changes.
Have Fun.
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