Quite simple really, yet must be practiced regularly.

Stand erect, as tall as possible, close your eyes. Feel your feet and the muscles moving to help you stand. Imagine a string coming out of your head like a puppet holding you up. Do these slowly! Form is key.

EYES SHUT ! Breathe through the nose only Quietly FEEL THE MOVEMENT

  • SLOWLY Lift one leg raising the knee as far to your shoulder, knee pointing straight ahead, as high as possible keeping the foot in and close to the other leg then with toes pointing down HOLD for 3 heart beats - set your foot on the ground and repeat with the other leg 5 times each. (Right knee toward right shoulder)

  • Slowly raise one knee as high as possible the foot of the leg should be along the other leg, then extend out the leg very slowly, curling the toes toward the sky pointing the ball of the foot. Try to keep the leg parallel to the ground. HOLD for 3 heartbeats.  Then when the leg is at full extension point the heel as you draw the foot back pointing the toes toward yourself. slowly bring the foot back to the leg and slide it toes down till it touches the ground and step out to the side. Repeat with the other side 5 times. Alternating Left Right.

  • Slowly raise the knee thigh parallel to the ground foot along the other leg knee pointed straight ahead then extend to the side leading with the heel, foot parallel to the ground. Hold for 3 heartbeats and retract and lower it to the ground.

  • Next is the only one where you can lean. Raise the knee again and when it is as high as you can, slowly extend the leg behind you toes pointing back. Lean chest forward and try to maintain the entire body parallel to the ground arms along side the hips do not use them for balance. HOLD for 3 heart beats, this is to strengthen leg muscles to enhance balance.
The goal is to strengthen the lower leg muscles as they weaken you wobble from side to side, you cannot generate any power in your kicks or punches. You have to be able to feel the floor or ground.
The reason you count heart beats is it teaches you to be quiet and focused. Unless you can tune out the background noise, you cannot improve.

Do not worry if you cannot do it at first. Keep trying and it will happen.

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